Undergraduate Mathematics Research Symposium
The second annual Undergraduate Mathematics Research Symposium (UMRS) at UF took place on April 28, 2023, 9:00am-1:00pm, in Little Hall 225. The symposium provided a chance for undergraduate math majors who have worked on mathematics research problems to present their work. For more information see the symposium page. The schedule and a book of abstracts can be found here.
The Mathematics Department annual Spring Celebration took place live on Thursday, April 27 at the Keene Center. Professor Douglas Cenzer was honored on his retirement after 51 years of service. For many other awards and achievements, please see the Spring Celebration 2023 Program
SEALS 2023
The SouthEastern Logic Symposium 2023 took place during the weekend of March 4-5 at the University of Florida, Gainesville, with support from the National Science Foundation. The conference is organized by Dana Bartošová (opens in new tab), Douglas Cenzer (opens in new tab), Robin Tucker-Drob (opens in new tab), Jindřich Zapletal (opens in new tab). Please see the conference web page for details. Conference photo.
The Second University of Florida Topological Data Analysis conference will take place February 23-24, 2023. This conference is a part of and funded by the NSF-Simons Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology (SCMB). For more information see the conference web page, conference photo
Workshop on Recent Trends in Machine Learning and Risk Management
This workshop will bring together top academics and practitioners in Risk Management, Quantitative Finance and Stochastic Optimization areas. The objective is to exchange recent ideas and approaches focusing on numerical methods and applications. Possible topics include:
- Machine learning approaches, such as, support vector machines and classification
- Optimization problems in energy and finance areas
- Risk management
- Forecasting of distributions
The workshop will take place October 10-11, 2022 at UF in the Reitz Union. For more information see the conference web page.
Women in Scientific Computing on Complex Physical and Biological Systems,
The workshop will bring together leading experts from various areas of computational mathematics, life science, computer science, and engineering to discuss recent developments in scientific computing on complex physical and biological systems with applications to climate change, clean energy, and biotechnology. The workshop will provide a cross-disciplinary forum for catalyzing the research in scientific computing on complex physical and biological systems, facilitating rapid diffusion of new mathematical and computational methods into life science, computer science, and engineering. It will take place October 24-26, 2022 in the Reitz Union. For more information see the conference web page. Conference photo.
Open Positions
Assistant Professor: The Department of Mathematics at the University of Florida is pleased to invite applications for 2 (two) full-time, nine-month, tenure-track Assistant Professor faculty positions. One position is open to all areas of Mathematics and the other is in the area of Probability (broadly interpreted).
Lecturer: The Department of Mathematics at the University of Florida invites applications for 2 (two) lecturer positions. The appointments are full-time, nine-month, non-tenure-accruing, and renewable annually.Positions begin on on August 16, 2022.
The successful candidates will join a vibrant department of approximately 60 faculty and 85 graduate students pursuing research in a broad array of pure and applied areas. The University of Florida is ranked the 5th best public university in the United States by US News and World Report 2022, with exceptional research, teaching, and a university-wide commitment to diversity. The Department of Mathematics is committed to creating an environment that affirms diversity across a variety of dimensions, including ability, class, ethnicity/race, gender identity and expression.
Applications must be submitted on-line via both Mathjobs and the UF Jobs site.
The Mathematics Department annual Spring Celebration took place live on Thursday, April 21 at the Keene Center. Distinguished Professor Yunmei Chen was honored on her retirement after 31 years of service. In addition, Professor Douglas Cenzer was recognized for his 50 years of exceptional service at UF. For many other awards and achievements, please see the 2022 celebration program
The second annual Undergraduate Mathematics Research Symposium (UMRS) at UF will take place on April 22, 2022 in Little Hall 225. The symposium will provide a chance for undergraduate math majors who have worked on mathematics research problems to present their work. For more information please see the symposium web page.
The 19th Annual Ulam Lecture
The 2022 Ulam Colloquium will be given by Jinchao Xu of Pennsylvania State University on Wednesday, April 6, at 4:05pm in Little Hall 101. His lecture is entitled Mathematical Understanding of Deep Learning. Tea preceding the talk at 3:30 in LIT 339. We will also stream the talk on Zoom; link to follow closer to the event. Lecture photo
University of Florida Topological Data Analysis conference
The Second University of Florida Topological Data Analysis conference will take place January 20-11, 2022. This conference is a part of and funded by the NSF-Simons Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology (SCMB) (opens in new tab). For more information see the conference web page, conference photo
UF/FSU Topology Meeting
This year we are happy to host the traditional UF/FSU Topology Meeting that will take place from Friday, February 11 to Saturday, February 12. This conference brings together senior and junior researchers in both pure and applied mathematics from the two flagship schools of the state of Florida. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, UF Research, University of Florida Mathematics, and the Center for Applied Mathematics (CAM). Please see the conference web page for more details. Conference photo.
SEALS 2022
The SouthEastern Logic Symposium 2022 will take place during the weekend of March 5-6 at the University of Florida, Gainesville, with support from the National Science Foundation. The conference is organized by Dana Bartošová (opens in new tab), Douglas Cenzer (opens in new tab), Robin Tucker-Drob (opens in new tab), Jindřich Zapletal (opens in new tab). Please see the conference web page for details. Conference photo.
Finite Element Circus 2022
The Finite Element Circus is a regular conference devoted to the theory and applications of the finite element method, and related areas of numerical analysis and partial differential equations. The conference (which travels, like a “circus”) meets twice per year, and since its inception over 50 year ago, has been hosted at many different institutions throughout the eastern and midwestern US. This April 8-9, the Spring 2022 Finite Element Circus will be hosted at UF! Please see the conference web page for more details. Interested faculty and students are welcome and encouraged to attend! Conference Photo.
Open Positions
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Florida invites applications for 4 (four) positions to begin on August 16, 2022. The University of Florida is ranked among the top five public institutions in the United States by US News and World Report 2022 with exceptional research, teaching, and a university-wide commitment to diversity.
The successful candidates will join a vibrant department of approximately 60 faculty and 85 graduate students pursuing research in a broad array of pure and applied areas and providing a world-class educational experience to its undergraduate students.
- A full-time, nine-month tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor open to all areas in Mathematics. (Position Filled).
- A full-time, nine-month, tenure-track Assistant Professor faculty position in AI, data science, computational medicine, and biomathematics. Applications must be submitted at https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/18115 and at http://apply.interfolio.com/93925.
- Two lecturer positions to begin on August 16, 2022. The appointments are full-time, nine-month, non-tenure-accruing, and renewable annually. Applications must be submitted at https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/18243 and at http://apply.interfolio.com/94865.
This year’s Spring Celebration was held via zoom on April 22. Two faculty members were honored on their retirement after many years of excellent service, Professor Lou Block (48 years) and Pofessor Murali Rao (40 years). In addition, 10 PhD’s and 13 MS’s have graduated. For many other awards and achievements, please see the 2021 celebration program.
Undergraduate Mathematics Research Symposium
The first annual Undergraduate Mathematics Research Symposium (UMRS) at UF will take place on April 23, 2021 over Zoom. The symposium will provide a chance for undergraduate math majors who have worked on mathematics research problems to present their work. Please contact one of the organizers, Konstantina Christodoulopoulou (kchristod@ufl.edu) or Sara Pollock (s.pollock@ufl.edu) for the Zoom link. The schedule and a book of abstracts can be found here.
New Faculty
It is a pleasure for the Mathematics Department at the University of Florida to welcome Chunmei Wang (Machine Learning/Numerical Analysis) to our department who will join us in Fall, 2021
SouthEastern Logic Symposium 2021
The SouthEastern Logic Symposium 2021 took place during the weekend of February 27-28 at the University of Florida, with support from the National Science Foundation. All activities were held online. The conference featured 4 plenary talks, 22 session talks, and more than 60 participants in all. SEALS 2021 was organized by Dana Bartosova, Douglas Cenzer and Jindra Zapletal.
Details may be found on the conference web page.
Tenure Track Position
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Florida invites applications for one full-time, nine-month tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor to begin August 16, 2021. This search is part of a campus wide effort by the University of Florida to expand the role of AI in higher education and research (https://ai.ufl.edu (opens in new tab)); we therefore welcome applicants in areas related to AI and data science, broadly construed. This includes, but is not limited to, probability and stochastic processes, dynamical systems, machine learning, optimization, image and signal processing, and numerical analysis. The University is home to HiPerGator, one of the most powerful high-performance computers at a US public university (www.rc.ufl.edu/services/hipergator/ (opens in new tab)). We particularly encourage applicants whose research program can utilize resources available at the University of Florida and specifically the new HiPerGator AI NVIDIA GPU SuperPod (https://news.ufl.edu/2020/07/nvidia-partnership/ (opens in new tab)) while developing high impact research programs.
Please apply through both MathJobs (opens in new tab)and Interfolio (opens in new tab)
Spring Celebration
The Mathematics Department annual Spring Celebration took place via Zoom on Friday, April 24 with 68 people in virtual attendance. Two faculty members were honored on their retirement after many years of excellent service,
Professor James Brooks (52 years) and Master Lecturer Sherry Townwall (35
years). Our office manager Margaret Somers was a CLAS Superior Staff Honoree. For many other awards and achievements, please see the 2020 celebration program.
New Faculty
It is a pleasure for the Mathematics Department at the University of Florida to welcome new members of our department who will join us in Fall, 2020. They were hired as part of the University of Florida’s Faculty 500 initiative. Our new Assistant Professors are Nan Jiang (opens in new tab) (Data Science/Numerical Analysis) and Hubert Wagner (opens in new tab) (Data Science/Topological Data Analysis).
SEALS 2020
The SouthEastern Logic Symposium 2020 will take place during the weekend of February 28-March 1, 2020 at the University of Florida, Gainesville, with support from the National Science Foundation. The conference is organized by Dana Bartosova, Doug Cenzer, Ethan McCarthy and Jindra Zapletal. Please see the conference web page (opens in new tab) for details.
2020 Ulam Colloquium–Joel Cohen
The Department of Mathematics will host Professor Joel Cohen, Columbia University and Rockefeller University on January 22, 2020. His public lecture will take place at 4:05pm in 101 Little Hall, with tea preceding at 3:30pm in 338 Little Hall. Details about Prof. Cohen’s talk may be found here (opens in new tab).
University of Florida Topological Data Analysis conference
The University of Florida Topological Data Analysis conference will take place January 30-31, 2020 at the University of Florida Informatics Institute, located at 432 Newell Drive, CISE Bldg E251. This conference is a part of and funded by the NSF-Simons Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology (SCMB) (opens in new tab). For more information see the conference web page (opens in new tab). If you wish to attend, email Peter Bubenik before January, 22.
AMS Sectional Meeting
The American Mathematical Society (opens in new tab)‘s Fall 2019 Southeastern Section meeting, (opens in new tab) November 2-3, 2019, will take place at the University of Florida. There will be 25 Special Sessions and invited addresses given by Jonathan Mattingly (opens in new tab) (Duke), Isabella Novik (opens in new tab) (Washington), and Eduardo Teixeira (opens in new tab) (UCF). On Saturday evening 6:15-7:30 there will be a reception on the Ground Floor of Pugh Hall. This is a map (opens in new tab) of the relevant buildings, hotels and restaurants.
Open Positions
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Florida is pleased to invite applications for two (2) full-time, nine-month, tenure-track faculty positions at the assistant professor level beginning August 16, 2020. This search is limited to the area of data science, broadly construed. This includes, but is not limited to, computational mathematics, topological data analysis, numerical analysis, and related fields with a strong connection to the theory and application of mathematics to the study of data.
These positions are part of an exciting university-wide initiative to further its status as one of the very best research universities in the nation. The university is in the process of adding 500 new faculty to enhance teaching and research. The successful candidates will join a vibrant research department with representation across a full range of pure and applied mathematics. Moreover, the department plans to launch an undergraduate data science major in fall 2020 in collaboration with the Department of Statistics.
Please apply both at MathJobs (opens in new tab)and Interfolio (opens in new tab)
Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival
The UF Department of Mathematics in conjunction with the Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival (opens in new tab) hosted a day of mathematical fun on September 14, 2019 at the Harn Museum of Art. A Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival provides exciting and engaging activities that inspire K–12 students to explore the richness and beauty of mathematics through collaborative, creative problem-solving. An estimated 500 people attended and we thank all the faculty, grad students, and undergrad majors who facilitated more than 20 activities and made the event such a big success
New Faculty
It is a pleasure for the Mathematics Department at the University of Florida to welcome new members of our department who will join us in Fall, 2019. They were hired as part of the University of Florida’s Faculty 500 initiative. Our new Assistant Professors are Zachary Hamaker (Combinatorics), Tracy Stepien (Mathematical Biology), and Jesse Thorner (Number Theory). Our new Lecturers are Stephen Adams, Patrick Carmichael, Carol Demas, and Caelan Wang. The new Visiting Assistant Professors are Jason Nowell (Analysis), Matthew Wheeler (Geometry/Topology), and Mengying Xiao (Numerical Analysis). Ashleigh Thomas (Topological Data Analysis) is a new PostDoc.
Spring Celebration
The department’s Spring Celebration took place on Thursday, April 26 in the Keene Faculty Center. Highlights of the year include: Prof. Li-Chien Shen (opens in new tab) is honored on his retirement after 34 years of excellence in research and teaching, Kwailee Chui (opens in new tab) won a University Undergraduate Teacher of the Year award, and our office manager Margaret Somers received a Superior Accomplishment Award in the Administrative/Supervisory category.
Annual Dongxing Wong Lecture
Robert Ghrist of the University of Pennsylvania will present the Dongxing Wong Mathematics Education Lecture entitled “A Vision of Multivariable Calculus” (opens in new tab) on Monday, March 18 at 4:05 in Little 101. Tea is at 3:30 in the Atrium.
Annual Ramanujan Colloquium
The 12th Ramanujan Colloquium entitled “From Ramanujan graphs to Ramanujan complexes” (opens in new tab) will be given by Alex Lubotzky of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem on March 11 at 4:05 in Little Hall 101. Tea is at 3:30 in the Atrium.
Open Positions
The Department is very pleased to announce searches for three tenure-track Assistant Professors, four Lecturers, a Visiting Assistant Professor, and a Postdoctoral Associate to be filled in 2019.
Assistant Professor
The Assistant Professor positions are open to all areas in Mathematics and begin in August 2019. These positions are part of an exciting university wide initiative to further our status as one of the very best research universities in the nation. Last year the university hired approximately 250 new faculty and will add a similar number this year to enhance teaching and research. The successful candidate will join a vibrant research department with representation across a full range of pure and applied mathematics.
- Positions are posted at MathJobs.org (opens in new tab)
- Official applications must be submitted online (opens in new tab)
The Lecturer positions are part of an initiative to modernize and improve lower-division instruction. These non-tenure-track renewable positions can begin as early as January, 2019. Candidates must have substantial interest in STEM education reform; in particular; the department seeks to attract individuals with experience in active learning environments such as flipped classrooms. Lecturers play a vital role in our dynamic instructional enterprise by bringing subject expertise and commitment to excellence in teaching to bear in educating our exceptional undergraduates.
- Positions are posted on Mathjobs.org (opens in new tab)
- Official applications must be submitted online (opens in new tab)
Postdoctoral Associate
The Postdoctoral Associate position is in the area of applied topology with a particular interest in topological data analysis, and begins on August 16, 2019, with an earlier start date possible. The position is funded by the Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology (SCMB). The postdoc is expected to be at Georgia Tech over the summer to participate in project related activities, including a significant time (8-10 weeks) in residence with the Seed Project experimental research group during the first summer of the project.
- Position is posted at target=”_blank”MathJobs.org
- Official applications must be submitted online (opens in new tab)
Visiting Assistant Professor
The Visiting Assistant Professor position begins on August 16, 2019. The area of specialization is open, but the person filling this position will be responsible for managing the department’s online homework system, Xronos, which is built on the open source Ximera project. This requires substantial knowledge of programming in javascript, LaTeX, and HTML5, along with database management and LTI integration with learning management systems. Participation in the department’s research activities is expected. A Ph.D. in the mathematical sciences or the equivalent is required. Candidates with strong promise in research and teaching are encouraged to apply.
- Official applications must be submitted online (opens in new tab).
Dr. Aziza Jefferson, who received her PhD under Prof. Vatter in 2015, has been featured in an article in the National Security Agencies news (opens in new tab). While a UF grad student she was an intern in the NSA’s Summer Program for Operations Research Technology (SPORT). “Once in the internship I decided to return full time because I found that I could truly help other people by solving interesting problems. I am not only able to use my mathematical skills, but engage my interests in other fields as well.”
Libin Rong develops mathematical models to predict the numbers of diseases at each point. https://news.clas.ufl.edu/disease-by-the-numbers/ (opens in new tab)
Maia Martcheva studies Rift Valley fever, Zika, Avian flu and other communicable diseases. https://news.clas.ufl.edu/maia-martcheva/ (opens in new tab)
New Faculty
It is a pleasure for the Mathematics Department at the University of Florida to welcome 13 new members (opens in new tab) of our department this Fall hired as part of the University of Florida’s Faculty 500 initiative (opens in new tab). Our new Assistant Professors are Dana Bartosova (Logic), Luca Fabrizio Di Cerbo (Geometry), Arnaud Marsiglietti (Probability), James Pascoe (Analysis), Sara Pollock (Numerical Analysis), and Cheng Yu (Partial Differential Equations). Our new Lecturers are Amy Grady, Ian Manly, Melissa Shabazz, Corey Stone and Alex York. The new Visiting Assistant Professors are Ethan McCarthy (Logic) and Ryan Nikin-Beers (Biomathematics).
Prof. Hager to give a NSF-CBMS Lecture Series
We are pleased to announce that Prof. William Hager (opens in new tab) has been selected as one of the seven distinguished lecturers for the 2018 NSF-CBMS Conference Series. He will deliver a series of 10 lectures on “Computational Methods in Optimal Control” July 23–27 at Jackson State University and prepare an expository monograph based on the lectures. Travel support (opens in new tab) to the conference is available.
SEALS 2018
The SouthEastern Logic Symposium 2018 will take place during the weekend of March 2-4, 2018 at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Please see the conference web page (opens in new tab) for details.
Open Positions
The Department is very pleased to announce searches for four tenure-track Assistant Professor positions and four Lecturer positions to be filled in 2018.
Assistant Professor
The Assistant Professor positions are open to all areas in Mathematics and begin in August 2018. These positions are part of an exciting university wide initiative to further our status as one of the very best research universities in the nation. Over the past three years 115 faculty were hired as part of UF’s designation as a preeminent university by the Florida Legislature. The university plans to add 500 faculty over the next few years to enhance teaching and research. The successful candidate will join a vibrant research department with representation across a full range of pure and applied mathematics.
Positions are posted at math jobs website (opens in new tab)
Official applications must be submitted on-line at jobs explore website (opens in new tab)
The Lecturer positions are part of an initiative to modernize and improve lower-division instruction. These non-tenure-track renewable positions can begin as early as January, 2018. Candidates must have substantial interest in STEM education reform; in particular; the department seeks to attract individuals with experience in active learning environments such as flipped classrooms. Lecturers play a vital role in our dynamic instructional enterprise by bringing subject expertise and commitment to excellence in teaching to bear in educating our exceptional undergraduates.
Positions are posted on math jobs website (opens in new tab)
Official applications must be submitted on-line at jobs explore webiste (opens in new tab) (opens in new tab)
Math major Diego Rojas wins first place
Mathematics major and UF McNair (opens in new tab) Scholar Diego Rojas was awarded first place in the Physical Science category (and $500) for his talk on “Computability, randomness, and differentiability of random continuous functions”, presented at the SAEOPP McNair Scholars Conference (opens in new tab) in Atlanta, GA, June 23, 2016. Rojas is mentored by Professor Douglas Cenzer (opens in new tab).
Prof. Knudson wins two awards
We are proud to announce that Prof. Knudson (opens in new tab) has been inducted into the University of Florida Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars. (opens in new tab) Each year the Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars (ADTS) honors University of Florida’s exceptional teaching and scholarship accomplishments by inducting into its membership faculty members who have demonstrated sustained innovation and commitment in both areas. In addition, Kevin was named the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Teacher of the Year for 2015-2016. He is also a regular columnist for The Conversation. (opens in new tab)
The Putnam Competition
The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition (opens in new tab) is an annual national contest for college students established in 1938 and administered by the Mathematical Association of America (opens in new tab). Congratulations to the UF Putnam team of Jon Claus, Colin Defant, and Kyle Gettig who finished 23rd in this year’s competition.
Special Lectures
The Eleventh Ramanujan Colloquium entitled Encounters with Ramanujan (PDF)was given by Professor Peter D.T.A. Elliott of the University of Colorado, Boulder on March 20, 2017. Professor Jeffrey Remmel of the University of California, San Diego presented the Seventeenth Erdos Colloquium, The Combinatorics of Rational Parking Functions and the Shuffle Conjecture (PDF) (opens in new tab), on April 3, 2017 as well as the Dongxing Wong Lecture on STEM Education, The Combinatorics of Rational Parking Functions and the Shuffle Conjecture (PDF) (opens in new tab), on April 5, 2017.
Lecturer Search
As part of an initiative to modernize and improve lower-division instruction, applications are invited for two non-tenure-track, nine-month, lecturer positions to begin fall semester 2017. Candidates must have a serious interest and expertise in STEM education reform with a particular focus on College Algebra and Quantitative Reasoning curricula. The individuals who fill these positions will be tasked with updating existing courses in these areas and implementing innovative teaching practices in a variety of formats, including coordinated large lecture, flipped classrooms, and online instruction. This represents a unique and exciting opportunity to engage in a real reform effort as the successful candidates will be asked to exercise creativity in writing new syllabuses and developing metrics to measure their success.
Applications must be submitted through Careers at jobs explore website (opens in new tab)
The 2016 Gainesville International Number Theory Conference
The International Conference on Number Theory held here March 17-21, 2016, honored Krishnaswami Alladi on his 60th birthday. The conference attracted more that 150 leading experts from around the world and was funded by the NSF, the NSA, the Number Theory Foundation, Penn State University, as well as by the UF Office of Research, CLAS, and the Mathematics Department.
The conference opening lecture was given by Fields Medallist Manjul Bhargava of Princeton University. The conference also featured the Erdős Colloquium by Professor Hugh Montgomery of the University of Michigan and the Ramanujan Colloquium by Professor James Maynard of Oxford University.
For more information see the conference brief report (PDF) and web page. (opens in new tab)
SEALS 2017
The SouthEastern Logic Symposium 2017 will take place during the weekend of March 3-5, 2017 at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Please see the conference web page (opens in new tab) for details.
FSU/UF Joint Topology and Dynamics Meeting
The next in the series of FSU/UF Joint Topology and Dynamics Meetings will take place on Friday, February 24 and 25 at the University of Florida, Gainesville. The conference will begin with a colloquium by Washington Mio of FSU. Please see the conference program (PDF) (opens in new tab) for details.
Spring Celebration
Our annual Spring Celebration (formally the Spring Recognition Tea) was held on Thursday, April 21, 2016. Highlights included the recognition of Stephen Summers and Donna McCracken on their retirement and Connie Doby for her 15 years of service. Please see the program (PDF) for more details.
The 2016 Gainesville International Number Theory Conference
A five day conference will be held March 17 – 21, 2016 at the University of Florida, Gainesville, featuring analytic number theory, algebraic number theory, and the theory of partitions, q-series and modular forms. This conference is in honor of the 60th birthday of our colleague Krishna Alladi. Please see the conference web page (opens in new tab) for more information.
Ramanujan and Erdős Colloquium
We are pleased to announce that the tenth Ramanujan Colloquium entitled “Linear equations in primes” will be given by James Maynard of Oxford University on Thursday, March 17, 2016, at 5:10pm in Pugh 170. The sixteenth Erdős Colloquium entitled “Littlewood polynomials” will be presented by Hugh Montgomery (opens in new tab) of the University of Michigan on Friday, March 18, 2016, 4:00 – 5:00pm in the Straughn Center. Both lectures are part of the 2016 Gainesville International Number Theory Conference (opens in new tab).
SEALS 2016
The South-Eastern Logic Colloquium 2016 will take place during the weekend of February 27/28, 2016, at University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. We will also have a colloquium talk on Friday, February 26 at 4pm by George Barmpalias. Please see the conference web page (opens in new tab) for more information.
Assistant Professor
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Florida invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the area of Mathematical Biology to begin in August 2016. Candidates in all areas of mathematical biology will be considered. Expertise in numerical analysis and/or stochastic processes is of particular interest. The successful candidate will join a vibrant mathematical biology group, whose members collaborate with many units on campus. All candidates should apply through the UF Jobs website. (opens in new tab)
Postdoctoral Positions
The Department of Mathematics invites applications for a Post-Doctoral Associate position, beginning August 16, in the area of computational methods in medical imaging and machine learning, jointly supported by Zhejiang University, China and the University of Florida. Candidates for this position should send an email with a CV, a list of three references, and a letter outlining their research interests to Professor Yunmei Chen .
Lecturer Positions
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Florida invites applications for one or more lecturers beginning August 16. Duties includes teaching and coordinating a large lecture course, supervising graduate assistants and managing on-line aspects of instruction. All candidates for this position should apply through the UF Jobs website (opens in new tab).
Siam Fellow
Professor William Hager (opens in new tab) of the Department of Mathematics has been named a 2015 SIAM Fellow (opens in new tab) by the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics for contributions to optimal control, optimization theory, and numerical optimization algorithms. The SIAM Fellows Program was created in 2008 to designate certain members of SIAM who have made outstanding contributions to the discipline.
2015 Spring Awards Celebration
The 2015 Spring Awards Celebration was held on April 23 in the Atrium. Prof. Rick Smith was honored for his years of service as Associate Chair and a reluctant goodbye was said to Prof. Bernard Mair who is leaving to become Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Howard University. Other highlights included inductions into Pi Mu Epsilon and Phi Beta Kappa, the presentation of graduate teaching awards, and the announcement of the winners of this year’s endowed scholarships. The 2015 program (PDF) contains all the details.
Ramanujan Colloquium 2015
The ninth Ramanujan Colloquium entitled “Goldbach – Descartes to Ramanujan, Hardy, Littlewood and Beyond” (PDF); will be given by Robert Vaughan (FRS) of Pennsylvania State University on Monday, April 6, 2015, 4:00 – 5:00pm, in Turlington Hall, Room L101.
Ulam Colloquium 2015
Jun Cheng Wei, a Canada Research Chair at the University of British Columbia, will give the seventh Ulam Colloquium, Friday, March 20, 4:05-4:55 pm in LIT 121. The lecture is on “Recent Progress on the De Giorgi Conjecture” (PDF);.
Erdős Colloquium 2015
The fifteenth Erdős Colloquium will be presented by János Pintz from MTA Rényi Institute, Budapest, Hungary, 4:00 – 5:00pm, Monday, March 16, 2015 in Matherly Halls, Room 018. His title is “On Some Old Conjectures of Paul Erdős on the Difference of Consecutive Primes” (PDF);.
Southeastern Logic Symposium (SEALS 2015)
The Department is hosting the Southeastern Logic Symposium (SEALS 2015) here on February 28/March 1,2015. Details, including the list oconfirmed speakers with titles and abstracts, may be found on the conference website: SEALS 2015 (opens in new tab)
Visit by Howard Gobstein
Howard Gobstein, Executive Vice President of the APLU (Association of Public and Land Grant Universities) and co-director of the APLU Science & Mathematics Teacher Imperative, will give two talks on reform of STEM Education. The 2014 Dongxing Wang Math Education Lecture entitled, “Mathematics Education is about to be transformed. Will Math Departments play a role?” (PDF);, will be on Monday, November 17, at 4:05 in Little Hall, room 109. Refreshments in the Little Hall Atrium, room 339, will precede the talk at 3:30. The second talk, “STEM education reform. A public research university imperative!” (PDF); , will be in the new Visualization Room MSL 136 of the Marston Science Library at 1:55 on Tuesday, November 18, with refreshments at 1:30 in MSL 136.
Gobstein is former Vice President of the AAU (Association for American Universities). His University positions include: Associate VP for governmental affairs for federal relations, Michigan State University, and Director, Federal Relations/Research, University of Michigan.
SIAM Best Student Paper Presentation
Tulsi Srinivasan won an award for the best student paper presentation at 38th Annual SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference (opens in new tab) at Florida Institute of Technology March 29-30 2014.
Bijective and Algebraic Combinatorics Conference
We will be hosting a conference called “Bijective and Algebraic Combinatorics” (opens in new tab) in honor of Bruce Sagan’s 60th birthday at the University of Florida on March 24 & 25, 2014. All are welcome. The deadlines for registration, financial support applications, and contributed talks are all February 3. Further details, the list of confirmed speakers, and the registration form can be found on the conference website (opens in new tab).
The Third SIAM Gators Student Conference
The student chapter of SIAM (Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics) (opens in new tab)at the University of Florida will host the third SIAM Gators student conference (opens in new tab)on March 27–29, 2014. The conference will focus on the following three areas:
- Numerical Optimization and Applications
- Mathematical Algorithms in Imaging
- Mathematical Biology and Modelling
Postdoctoral Associate Position
Chris Porter has accepted the position of Postdoctoral Associate beginning in August 2014. Chris earned his Ph.D. in 2012 from Notre Dame and currently holds an NSF International Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Paris Diderot (Paris VII).
Neil White In Memoriam
We are sorry to report that Emeritus Professor Neil White passed away on Monday August 11. Dr. White earned his Ph.D. under the supervision of Gian-Carlo Rota at Harvard University in 1972. He was a prolific and highly respected researcher in the area of combinatorics. Neil will be greatly missed. A celebration of his life (opens in new tab) will be held at the Florida Museum of Natural History on Sunday, September 7, at 3PM (Story in the Gainedville Sun (opens in new tab), Obituary from the Gainesville Sun).
The Mathematics Department is establishing the Neil White Excellence in Teaching Award in honor of Neil’s outstanding record of teaching and mentoring students at the University of Florida. Contributions to help fund this award, payable to “UF Foundation” may be sent to CLAS Development, PO Box 117300, Gainesville, FL 32611. Online gifts can also be made at UF Mathematics Department (opens in new tab). Please add “Neil White” to the Memorial/Honorary Information.
Technology Innovator Award
William Hager (Mathematics) and Timothy Davis (Computer Science) have been awarded a Technology Innovator Award by the University of Florida Office of Technology Licensing (opens in new tab). In a series of papers (opens in new tab) they developed optimal algorithms for determining how the sparsity pattern of the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric, positive definite matrix changes after a small rank sparse change in the matrix. These algorithms have a wide range of applications including circuit analysis, fracture mechanics, and the propagation of lightning. The algorithms are implemented in the software package CHOLMOD, which is marketed through the UF Office of Technology Licensing and has already been licensed by two companies.
Erdos Colloquium 2014
The 2014 Erdos Colloquium entitled “New Directions in Graph Theory” (PDF); will be delivered by Fan Chung Graham, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science Engineering at the University of California — San Diego on Monday, April 21 at 4:05 pm in Little Hall, room101. Refreshments will proceed the talk in Little Hall Atrium, room 339
Ramanujan Colloquium 2014
The 2014 Ramanujan Colloquium entitled “Andrews, Ramanujan, and Computer Algebra” (PDF); will be delivered by Professor Peter Paule, Director of the Research Institute on Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria on Monday, March 17 at 4:05 pm in the Little Hall Atrium.
Ulam Colloquium 2014
The 16th annual Ulam Colloquium entitled “The Shape of Data” will be given on Monday, February 24 at 4:05 PM by Gunnar Carlsson of Stanford University in Little 101. See the poster (PDF) for more information.
Spring Awards Gala 2014 (PDF)
Bijective and Algebraic Combinatorics Conference
We will be hosting a conference called “Bijective and Algebraic Combinatorics” (opens in new tab) in honor of Bruce Sagan’s 60th birthday at the University of Florida on March 24 & 25, 2014. All are welcome. The deadlines for registration, financial support applications, and contributed talks are all February 3. Further details, the list of confirmed speakers, and the registration form can be found on the conference website (opens in new tab).
The Third SIAM Gators Student Conference
- The student chapter of SIAM (Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics) (opens in new tab)at the University of Florida will host the third SIAM Gators student conference (opens in new tab)on March 27–29, 2014. The conference will focus on the following three areas:
- Numerical Optimization and Applications
- Mathematical Algorithms in Imaging
- Mathematical Biology and Modelling