Instructions for voting
- Go to UF online voting system
- Click login
- Login with your Gatorlink id
- Once in the voting system, click the “Current Ballots” tab (it may be up to start)
- Click on the election in which you want to vote
- Vote by clicking a box to the right and then click “CAST YOUR BALLOT”
- Confirm that your vote is final by clicking the dialog box that comes up
- All done
Some general points on the UF On-Line Voting System:
- You can vote from any computer anywhere on the internet.
- The system records your vote, but to maintain the privacy of the voting, it doesn’t give us a record of who has voted. So, we will have to send reminders to all faculty. Apologies if you receive a reminder and have already voted.
- The system will not accept your vote after the closing date and time, so if you are late, your vote won’t be recorded.
- Detailed information is available at the UF voting help page