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Grad Guide – Resources – Registration

Classes under departmental control

The graduate coordinator must approve the enrollment in departmentally controlled classes such as the first year algebra sequence MAS 5311-12, the first year analysis sequence MAA 5228-9. For courses involving individual work in the form of MAT 6905, MAT 6910, MAT 7979, MAT 7980, both the person the person with whom you are working and the graduate coordinator must approve using a form supplied by the graduate secretary. It is your responsibility to see that the person you are working gives the consent in a timely fashion.

Clear registration holds

Each semester please review your hold screen at for any holds on your record that will prevent registration. Please register on time to avoid late fees. Registration and payment deadlines can be found at Please pay your portion of the fees by the fee payment deadline even if your tuition waiver has not been processed in order to avoid late fees. Timely and appropriate registration is your responsibility.

Graduate school registration requirements

The Graduate School requires levels of enrollment for students varying by the type and amount of support. The Graduate Catalog and Graduate School web site are the authoritative sources and supersede anything below.

  • Graduate School Fellow: (domestic and international students): If you hold a Graduate School fellowship and are not currently a Graduate Teaching Assistant, then you must enroll for 12 credits Fall and Spring, and 8 credits in the Summer.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant: (domestic and international students): If you are a TA, then you must enroll for 9 credits Fall and Spring, and 3 credits for each Summer term you teach. Students who are not native speakers of English should review English Language Skills Requirements for Employment to check whether they have an additional course requirement for their first term of teaching.
  • Part-time student: Minimum part-time enrollment in either Fall or Spring is 3 credits; for Summer, the minimum is 2 credits. The Department of Mathematics does not offer “part-time” status except under extenuating circumstances.
  • Doctoral student in qualifying term: During the term in which you take the oral qualifying examination, minimum enrollment in courses that count toward the degree is 3 credits in Fall or Spring; for Summer the minimum is 2 credits, but you may need to register for more credits based on your funding situation.
  • Doctoral student in final term: Minimum enrollment in MAT 7980 is 3 credits in either Fall or Spring; for Summer the minimum in MAT 7980 is 2 credits, but you may need to register for more credits based on your funding situation.
  • Master of Science thesis student in term of graduation: Minimum enrollment in MAT 6971 is 3 credits in either Fall or Spring; for Summer the minimum is 2 credits, whether or not you are continuing for the PhD.
  • Students with disabilities: Reduction of enrollment requirements may be a reasonable academic accommodation. For further information, contact the Disability Resource Center.
  • Tuition Waivers: If you are on a Graduate School Fellowship or a Graduate Teaching Assistantship, then your tuition waiver covers the tuition (but not the fees) for the required enrollment as long as the courses count toward the degree. For further details on what is not included see the Graduate School Policy on Tuition/Fee Waivers. If you enroll for more than the amount required or courses that do not count for your degree program, you are financially responsible for the corresponding tuition. If you drop below the enrollment required for an appointment, you become financial responsible for the entire tuition and fees for that term.

Department of Mathematics enrollment requirements

In your first two years of graduate study, you are expected to enroll in at least two mathematics courses each spring and fall.
After the second year of graduate student, you are expected to enroll in at least one mathematics course each spring and fall. Research only is acceptable for at most two terms, one of which is the final term for the doctorate.
Courses taken outside the Department of Mathematics require permission of your mentor/advisor and the graduate coordinator. Usually at most one outside course per term is allowed.
Graduate Student Fellows are required to teach two semesters in their first year and in their third year of graduate study, when their course load will be reduced to a full-time equivalent of 9 credits.

Others with enrollment requirements

Other units which may have enrollment requirements include the Financial Aid Office, the UF International Center, governmental funding agencies and foundations offering particular fellowships. Be sure to meet all the constraints that apply to you. Graduate School definitions of full-time registration and full-time equivalent, which may be helpful in determining your responsibilities, are included in the Graduate School Registration Requirements.