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Grad Guide – Academics – Timeline

First Year

  1. Meets faculty mentor and graduate student mentors
  2. Attends Graduate School Orientation
  3. Has initial advising session with faculty mentor and graduate coordinator
  4. Completes the TA training to prepare for teaching
  5. Takes MAA 5228-9, MAS 5311-2 and an elective
  6. Attends seminars, GMA colloquia, and/or departmental colloquia
  7. Passes at least two First Year Exams prior to start of second year

Second Year

  1. Passes all three parts of the First Year Exams by the end of January
  2. Takes year long sequences in two of the distribution areas, typically ones leading to a PhD written exam:
    • (a) Analysis;
    • (b) Algebra/Number Theory/Combinatorics;
    • (c) Applied Mathematics;
    • (d) Topology and Foundations.
  3. Takes an elective each term, including a seminar or reading course, or a course in the prospective area of study
  4. Has a supervisory committee by the end of March
  5. Normally passes a PhD written exam prior to the start of the fall of the third year

Third Year

  1. Takes two semesters in a third of the distribution areas
  2. Works with a faculty member to reach the frontier, starting research in some form if at all possible
  3. Normally passes the language exam and oral qualifying exam prior to the end of the spring classes
  4. Must have attempted the PhD exam by May and passed prior to the start of the fourth year

Fourth Year

  1. Takes a semester in the last of the distribution areas
  2. Takes spring and fall courses related to research work if available
  3. Continues research
  4. Must advanced to candidacy by qualifying oral exam prior to mid-point of fall semester

Fifth Year

  1. Substantially completes dissertation research in early fall
  2. Has written draft of dissertation in graduate school format by end of fall
  3. Submits draft to advisor at least two weeks prior to initial submission deadline for term of graduation
  4. Graduates in May or August

The above timeline is informal. For more information, see the requirements in the PhD program page