University of Florida Homepage

UF Students Recognized at International Mathematical Modeling Contest

Five teams of containing a total of 14 UF undergraduate students participated in the 2023 COMAP Mathematical/Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) held February 16-20. Each team was designated as a “Successful Participant.” Four of the teams worked on the “Predicting Wordle Results” problem and one team worked on the “Prioritizing the UN Sustainability Goals” problem. […]

UF Students Earn Honors at International Math Challenge

Two University of Florida teams of undergraduate students have received Meritorious Awards for their participation in the SIMIODE Challenge Using Differential Equations Modeling (SCUDEM) VII, held in the fall of 2022. The SCUDEM VII is a three-week challenge for undergraduate and high school students, focused on addressing real-world scenarios using the power of mathematics. This […]

Prof. Alladi awarded honorary doctorate

We are pleased to announce  that SASTRA University will be conferring the Doctor of Sciences (honoris causa) to Prof. Krishna Alladi in recognition of his outstanding research, achievements and contributions in the field of mathematics. The Doctor of Sciences (honoris causa) will be presented during the XXXVI Convocation to be held in SASTRA’s Thanjavur campus […]

Prof. Jiang receives NSF CAREER award

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Nan Jiang has received the prestigious  National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER). She joins other current Math Department award winners of this five year award Sara Pollock ,  Chunmei Wang and Dana Bartosova and past recipient Libin Rong. The CAREER awards support junior faculty “who […]

Prof. Bartosova receives NSF CAREER award

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dana Bartosova has received the prestigious  National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER). She joins other current Math Department award winners of this five year award Sara Pollock and Chunmei Wang and past recipient Libin Rong. The CAREER awards support junior faculty “who have the potential […]