Mathematics Core:
(choose 2 semesters)
- MAP 6356-7 Partial Differential Equations
- MAP 6375-6 Numerical PDE
- MAP 6327 Applied Differential Equations
Mathematics Electives:
(choose 2 semesters)
- MAD 6406 Numerical Linear Algebra
- MAP 6487-8 Biomath Seminar
- MAP 6467-8 Stochastic Differential Equations
- Other courses from the core
Outside Electives:
(choose 2 semesters)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- EEL 5441 Fundamentals of Photonics
- EEL 5490 Lightning
- Materials Science & Engineering
- EMA 6805-6 Mathematical Methods in Materials Science
- Industrial and Systems Engineering
- ESI 6448 Discrete Optimization Theory
- Physics
- PHY 6346-7 Electromagnetic Theory