Numbers in parentheses are section number from Munkres, Topology, 2nd edition. Some sections are only partly covered. Some specifics may vary depending on the Professor who taught the course and/or is making up the exam
- Urysohn Lemma and Tietze Extension Theorem (33, 35)
- Tychonoff Theorem (37)
- Stone-Čech compactification (38)
- Path homotopy and the fundamental group (51, 52)
- Covering spaces (introduction) and the Fundamental group of the circle (53, 54)
- Retractions, fixed points, and the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem (55, 57)
- Deformation retract and homotopy (58)
- Fundamental group of spheres (59)
- Fundamental group of some surfaces (60)
- Algebraic preliminaries to SVK theorem (67-69)
- The SVK- push out, classical and generator/relation versions (70)
- Fundamental group of wedge of circles, the torus, the dunce cap, the projective plane (71, 73, 74)
- Abelianization of fundamental group (first Homology) (75)