Numbers in parentheses are section number from Munkres, Topology, 2nd edition. Some sections are only partly covered. Some specifics may vary depending on the Professor who taught the course and/or is making up the exam
- Set Theory, algebra of set operations, functions, relations (1-5)
- Cardinality (6,7)
- Axiom of Choice, Well-ordered sets and Zorn’s Lemma (9-11)
- Topological spaces, products, basis, metrics, quotients (12-22)
- Connectedness, path connectedness, local propeties (23-25)
- Compactness, limit point and sequential compactness (26-28)
- One point compactification (Theorem 29,1)
- Countability and separation axioms (30-32)
- Complete metric spaces, spaces of functions with the uniform and sup topologies (43)
- Contraction mapping theorem (exercise 7 of section 28 and exercise 5 from section 43)
- Baire spaces and the Baire Category Theorem (48)