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Colloquium/seminar dinner reimbursement

In order to clear confusion surrounding reimbursement for post-colloquium and seminar dinners, we will now proceed as follows.

  • Colloquium: for regular departmental colloquia, hosts will be reimbursed for dinner costs up to $100. The host will be responsible for dividing the check as they see fit (e.g. subsidizing graduate students in attendance) with the understanding that guests do not pay.
  • Seminars: we have traditionally not reimbursed dinner for guests who give only a seminar talk, but moving forward we will do so at the rate of $50. Same rules as for colloquia.
  • Visitors giving both a colloquium and a seminar: If a visitor gives both a seminar and a colloquium, the department will cover only one dinner.
  • Special events (e.g. Ulam Colloquium, Ramanujan Colloquium) will continue to be handled on an ad hoc approval basis.
  • University regulations now prohibit reimbursement for Florida sales tax on local transactions, so you should ask the restaurant to honor UF’s tax exempt status. Margaret has wallet-sized tax-exempt forms available. You can also find the form here.
  • Reimbursement requires an itemized receipt along with your credit card receipt. Please submit these to Margaret with a printed version of one of the forms below in a timely manner, preferably the next business day.