As a result of the concerns expressed by faculty and graduate students, we checked more carefully into the university rules concerning the use of appliances. This is what we found.
- If circuits appear to be overloaded through many appliances on the same circuit, UPD will likely unhook the appliances and cut the cords.
- The Chair and the Dean are the responsible officers for the safety of their buildings. So, their rules apply.
- There appear not to be UF rules forbidding small appliances in offices. In light of this it appears that we will be able to allow small appliances in offices.
Our tentative policies will be as below.
- One small personal appliance per office is allowed, except as below.
- Because heaters, toasters, and hot plates pose a fire hazard, we will not allow them in offices.
- Coffee pots must have an automatic shut-off capability.
As the responsible person, the Chair reserves the right to make changes to these policies if there appears to be a fire hazard. Of course, the Fire Marshal may impose other restrictions. During the hours of 10 am to 2 pm during weekdays, the Atrium will be unlocked and coffee available to faculty and graduate students. The microwave in the Atrium will also be available for use during those hours.