MAS 6332 Section 5033: Algebra 2
Time and Location
MWF3, 207 LIttle Hall
Description and Goals
This is the second semester of the Mathematics Department’s PhD. level algebra sequence. Topics to be covered: commutative ring theory, multilinear algebra, structure of noncommutative rings, transcendental extensions, and some elementary homological algebra. Further topics may be added as time and interest permits.
As in last semester’s course, there is no one required text, but the student can use either Lang’s or Hungerford’s Algebra. I will also make some use of Matsumura’s Commutative Ring Theory.
Course Structure and Grading
The final course grade will be determined by periodically assigned homework sets, Grading scale: 90% or above, A; 80-89%, B, 70-79%, C; 60-69%, D, 59% or below, E.
Course Policies
Late assignments will not be accepted unless prior arrangements are made.
Accommodation for disabilities should be made through the office of the Dean of Students.
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