MAP 4305/5304 Sections 4628/5546: Intermediate Differential Equations
Time and Location
MWF2, 203 Little Hall
Description and Goals
This course is the sequel to MAP2302, the Math Department’s
introductory course in differential equations. The text is the 6th
edition of Nagle, Saff and Snider’s Fundamentals of
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems. We will cover
chapters 8, 9, 11 and 12. Topics include the theory of linear
systems, Sturm-Liouville theory and the stability theory of autonomous
systems. We do not discuss partial differential equations, which is
covered by a different course in this department.
Course Format and Grading
The final course grade will be determined from 4 homework sets, 2
midterm exams, and an optional final exam. Each homework set will
account for 10% of the final grade, and each midterm exam is
30%. Late submission of a homework set will result in a 50% penalty,
and no homework will be accepted if is it more than one week late. The
final exam is an opportunity to improve one’s score on one or both
Grading Scale
Final letter grades for the course as follows, depending on the student’s
- Mathematics graduate students: A, 90% or above; B, 80-89%; C,
70-79%; D, 60-69\; E, 59% or below. - Undergraduates and other graduate students: A, 90% or above; B,
80-89%; C, 65-79%; D, 50-64%; E, 49% or below.
These percentages may be modified after the second midterm exam.
Course Policies
You will want to be familiar with the University of Florida’s
Academic Honesty Guidelines.
Accommodations for disabilities should be made through the office of
the Dean of Students.
If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what
happened, and whether any announcements were made. Except in the case
of documented medical emergencies, makeup tests will only be
given if they are arranged in advance with the instructor. Most cases
will require a valid medical excuse.