MAP 2302: Elementary Differential Equations
Section 3148
MWF 6th(12:50-1:40), Little 203
Instructor: Douglas Cenzer
Office: 361 Little Hall, 352-294-2313.
Office Hours: M 7th, W 5th, F 4th, and by appointment.
Prerequisites: MAC 2312: Calculus II (Calculus III recommended)
Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value
Problems, Sixth Edition, by Nagle Saff, Snyder: Chapters
1 through 8 (with some exclusions)
Solution of first order and linear higher order
differential equations, with applications; Laplace Transforms; Series solutions.
Class Participation: 60
Four Hour Exams: 60 points each, total: 240
FINAL EXAM: (Make-up for Exams 1–4): 60
Calculators are allowed for classwork but NOT on exams.
Grading Scale:
A: 270-300 A-: 255-269 B+: 240-254 B: 225-239 B-: 210-224
C+: 195-209 C: 180-194 C-: 170-179 D+: 160-169 D: 150-159
Tentative dates:
Exam 1 — Friday, January 31 (Chapters 1,2,3)
Exam 2 — Friday, February 28 (Chapter 3,4,5,6)
Exam 3 — Friday, March 28 (Chapters 6,7)
Exam 4 — Monday, April 21 (Chapters 7,8)
Final Exam — Thursday, May 1, 3:00–5:00 in LIT 201
Cell Phones, IPods, etc.: Please turn off in the classroom.
University policy on accomodations for students with
disabilities can be found here:
Disability Resource Center